Here are 10 things you can do to improve your photography business in 2020.  Now is the perfect time to get started with these improvements!

Covid business ideas

With much of the US and beyond locked down on a Stay at Home Order, this can be an opportunity to take care of that business that you’ve “been meaning to get to.” 

This pause that has been put on all our lives has us seeing differently, and it is a good time to start thinking about what you can do right now to set yourself up for success after we can safely resume business.

We’ve been doing it too; over the past few weeks, we’ve been tackling some projects, and it feels really good to tick them off our list in a time when the world seems a little crazy.  The best part is, when we are ready to go, we will have even stronger procedures in place that will allow us to do what we love to do best, teaching and taking photos.

Here’s a list of some things you can do right now to make the final quarters in the year strong!

  1. Inbox Organization-Set up folders, unsubscribe, create filters. You can do this while you watch Netflix!
  2. Email Responses-get your email responses tightened up, create more than just one response, have them saved as templates that you can quickly tweak. If you’re like most photographers, you are not following up enough!  Aim to have 2-3 check-ins after that initial inquiry.
  3. Website Links/Copy- go through your website and make sure everything is current. Cut down on a wordy text, check all links and make sure that they go to the right place. Freshen up old images, add alt tags.
  4. Blogs: Make a list of those blogs you’ve been meaning to write and start writing!  Remember, blogs don’t have to lengthy to help with SEO; 300-500 words is great. (For reference, this one is about 600 words)
  5. Better Bios: Freshen up your photography business’s IG bio, add some emoticons, update your link in bio.  Check your about me page on your website too, is there something you could improve on that?
  6. Put Marketing Metrics in Place-Look up how to measure analytics on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Pay attention to what gets the most engagement and what times are best for posting. This isn’t hard stuff, but it does tend to go by the wayside when we are busy.
  7. Keep in Contact With Clients-Start an email newsletter if you don’t have one, check in with your best clients. Mailchimp has free templates and an easy interface.
  8. Set aside an hour a day to read all those downloaded PDFs/Courses you have on your hard drive. Make time for education now! Don’t have any of those?  Might we suggest our Editing Academy?  You’ll get access to 5-6 videos per month that focus on business, marketing, shooting techniques, and technical skills for less than $10/mo.
  9. Make a Content Calendar- Right now, while you have the time, write and schedule out some evergreen content (evergreen content is information that is never dated).  Aim to schedule out 10 things a month. You can also repurpose blog content, grab a paragraph from a great blog, and use it on social media.
  10. Set up your photography business’s studio management software!  We know it’s a beast and you will want to light your hair on fire but totally 100% completely worth it.

There are lots of things we cannot control right now, but these things are within your power, and some of them can be completed in a few hours. Even if you can only do a few, we promise that it’s going to make you feel great!